Although genes play a role in how our brains develop, recent science shows how life experiences, in the first years of our lives and at other sensitive periods of development, change the architecture of the developing brain Learn to identify how and when to support children in the course of their development here.
1 cup white flour
1/4 cup of salt
2 tsps cream of tartar
1 cup water
1 tbsp oil
2 tsps food colouring
Mix flour, salt, and cream of tartar in a medium pot.
Add water, oil and food colouring.
Cook and stir over medium heat.
When mixture forms a ball in the pot, turn out and knead on a slightly floured surface.
Store in airtight container or plastic bag.
For variety, add Kool-Aid powder to dry ingredients instead of food colouring. It will smell great!
Children who receive high quality Early Childhood Education demonstrate markedly higher cognitive functions than children who do not.
a) This includes increased ability in Math and Language
b) Develop sharper Attention spans,
c) Executive Functioning skills (critical for school success) crucial for the developing mind
Children who receive high quality Early Childhood Education demonstrate higher Social and Emotional Benefits
a) Helps improve interactions with other students
b) Shown to decrease problem behaviors
“Three and four-year-olds who attend preschool are more likely to do well academically and socially throughout the rest of their schooling and later as adults in both their personal and their professional lives, less likely to be placed in special education classes, drop out of school, or have problems with law enforcement; they are more likely to attend college and to avoid long periods of unemployment or welfare.“ (California Department of Education, 2003)
Early Educational Programs help develop a strong foundational support for a child’s future.
Source: 10 reasons Why Kindergarten is too Late for Early Childhood Development
Budget Stand Point
The Society currently supports the Kindergarten Program with Three Educational Assistants. This comes to over $100 000.00 dollars a year (560 hours per year) that is spent supporting an already subsidized program. In addition, this does not count the other Five Educational Assistants that Palliser School Division supports due to academic, social or behavioral issues within the elementary school.
Is it possible, that the Society and Palliser will actually save money spent on Education and Educational Assistants in the future by keeping the Early Childhood Education Program?
Children who do not receive high quality Early Childhood Education are at risk :
• 25% are more likely to drop out of school
• 40% are more likely to become teen parents,
• 50% are more likely to be placed in special education,
• 60% are more likely to never attend college
• 70% are more likely to be arrested for a violent crime
Reports have consistently shown that children who receive high-quality early childhood education go on to become more productive adults and, in turn, thrive as parents, employees, and successful citizens of the world community.
Source: 10 reasons why Kindergarten is too late for Early Childhood Development